Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012


Diposting oleh si kunyuk di 07.25 0 komentar
It has been a long.. long.. long.. time to write in this blog. sudah banyak cerita yang terlewatkan dan tidak sempat tergambarkan. Happy, Sad, Complicated, sudah banyak dilalui selama kurang lebih empat bulan, dan saya tetap stuck in my world and not care a rush with the others. how selfish i am, and that's the fact hahahaa....

 Dalam pelajaran ini saya didpkan dengan yang namanya recovery process. In recovery process, I have learned many lessons that I cannot get in my study. One of the crucial things that I have learned is do something that you think this is the more important thing in your life, just skip the unimportnt thing. and you will not waste your time. and I have to be growing up more and more. cos the future will be hardest than now. So, I hve to prepare myself to pass it.

Keep Moving On...


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